Curse of Aging

Most of us do not welcome the appearance of aging and the desire to look and feel old and probably no different. However, there is really no reason to fear, is a common fear that affects most of us and leads us to an eternal search for the best lotions and potions that the market can offer, often at a great cost. The bathroom is definitely a lot of dusty collect discarded products don `t develop or have been replaced by fads.If spent a little luck, could have his finger on products for optimal combination of hair, nails and skin tone, but for most, the search continues through the mass of the new products coming to market of new applications, how the hell is the right choice?. The good news is that there are many ways you can extend your youthful appearance and one of them is understanding who the enemy is and who will best serve the supplements your hair, skin and nail fight.
Free radicals are destructive impact of aging on hair, nails, skin and body if left unchecked.

The aging process takes its toll and the body of free radicals in this factor. You can begin to understand the complexity of aging to the value of the role of free radicals and their destruction. The free radical theory of aging (FRTA) states that organisms age because the body's cells from free radical damage over time. Think of pinball, and as it falls around a pinball machine, told thousands of Pinball, and this gives you an idea of ​​how free radicals damage cells go around the body and aging. The radical cell damage has been accused of arthritis, aging, hair, nails and skin, cancer and Alzheimer's disease, but a few.

How can you fight against the devastating effects of free radicals? Let `s start by analyzing the supplements that are especially useful in defending the body against attacks by free radicals:

Vitamins and supplements
Vitamins B complex refers to a selection of eight vitamins that give an important role in maintaining cellular metabolism. They are vitamin B1/Thiamine, B2/Riboflavin vitamin, vitamin B3/Vitamin P / Vitamin PP / niacin, vitamin B5/Pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B7/Vitamin H / biotin, vitamin Bc B9/Vitamin M / vitamins / Folic acid and vitamin B12/Cyanocobalamin. The B vitamins are associated with having a beneficial effect on sleep difficulties, heart palpitations, paranoia, exhaustion and restlessness.These vitamins can be found in many foods available, but most of our diet lacks these foods causes deficiency.The B complex vitamin B complex can also be found in a single tablet combination with other vitamins like A and C. Virtually all stores and pharmacies will provide a sample of the options

Your body is affected by the internal environment (feelings) and external (pollution), and the two combined to cause damage by free radicals. The stress caused by either internal or external resources may lead to free radicals attack the body internally and externally. Vitamin B complex is a relaxing and ensure that you are not there, is widely recognized as a means to limit free radical damage.

The Wonders Of Antioxidants 
Antioxidants are developed within the body and can also be introduced by a diet rich in fruits, other fruits and vegetables.They include vitamin A, C, D, E and beta carotene. Antioxidants are used to neutralize the damage caused by oxidative aging free radicals makes them powerless. This allows the antioxidants to boost your metabolism and health and has a positive effect on the digestive system, cholesterol, regulating blood flow and has been linked to weight control and reduction.

After 40 years the body's cells do not regenerate as fast as they did in his youth and is useful to consider increasing your intake of antioxidants to boost through your hair, skin, nails and body a whole.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids (also Known As N-3 Fatty Acids And W-3 ​​fatty Acids) 
The omega-3 benefits for heart health and cardio-vascular and provide immunity to infection in the body. You've no doubt noticed that omega-fatty acids are known to have the means for some time now.The more readily available sources of omega-3 fatty acids are oily cold-water fish such as tuna, mackerel, salmon, herring and sardines . Other sources of krill oil, green-lipped mussels, and vegetable oils such as linseed, and butternut. You need to consume a lot of these substances leads to an adequate intake of omega-3, and so it is worth considering fish oil supplements.

The regular intake of supplements of omega-3 fish oil can improve the body `s defense against free radicals. While powerful, these supplements are beneficial heart, You'll also notice the improvement of fine lines and wrinkles. Omega-3 is often found in lotions and skin moisturizers and is a good friend to us all the anti-aging battle.
We all want to look our best and be blessed with good health as we age. Is it vanity or health? As is probably the right answer if we are healthy, we feel good and spread through the influence of the mind, body and soul.There many things you can do to maintain and improve their health and enhance your body `s defense against free radicals is something that can be considered an investment.

As always, be sure to consult your doctor before adding any supplement to your daily

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Leukemia: The Place Before It's Too Late

Leukemia is a cancer that is very common nowadays. Do not choose who attacks men, women, children, adults, Caucasian, African-Americans, Asians, Hispanics - We are all in danger. According to the latest survey about 44 000 people diagnosed with leukemia in 2010. Now it's 2011. However, a development that we were part of health and medicine, the result is clear of leukemia. Now, a significant increase in survival rate - just over 50 percent. This may not be very large number of you, but compared to 1970, when he was only a 14 percent chance of survival, 50 percent is almost like being free of the disease. Do not you agree?
Surviving leukemia depends largely on the severity of the disease when diagnosed. As you might guess, the early diagnosis of leukemia may provide a better prognosis compared to late detection. Knowing the symptoms to look would be a great help to get treatment as soon as possible. The following are the most common symptoms of leukemia:
• Fever and recurrent infections. The reason behind this is that in leukemia cells with no mature white blood to fight foreign substances. You do not have a good defense system to protect against invading viruses.
• Fatigue. Leukemia is a disease with a massive production of abnormal white blood cells. These cells would take a lot of space and prevents the production of other cell types. Since the production of red blood cells in the process decreased, oxygen delivery systems for your number would be decreased. This is what causes fatigue.
• Bleeding and / or bruising. Bleeding when they are associated with cancer is painless. It's the same with bruises. A normal bruise would hurt when touched. Bruises, as related to leukemia, no pain. Platelets, those who are responsible for clotting, is decreased in leukemia. This causes bleeding and bruising.
• petechiae. They are tiny, rash-like spots found on the skin. Unlike the rash, however, no petechiae itching. This is caused by a rupture of capillaries and a decrease in platelet count.
• Pain. All types of cancer have pain. In case of leukemia, bone or joint pain. This should not be confused with symptoms of bone cancer, however. The pain of bone cancer is caused by compression of nerves caused by tumor growth. In leukemia, the pain caused by overcrowding of cells in the bone marrow.
There are many other symptoms of leukemia, but the above would be the most common element. If you encounter one of these, contact your doctor immediately. If you get early treatment stages of the disease, it is possible that tumor cells can be destroyed, and you must be one of the few survivors who were alive to tell the story of the struggle against death.

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